It may have been officially ended way back in 1834, but does colonial slavery have a continuing influence in our society? A recent Prime Minister suggested it was time to “move on”, but is that possible if the legacy of hundreds of years of forcible removal and enslavement of millions still leaves its imprint on our modern mindsets? This half day explores the evidence for the ongoing legacy of slavery and looks at ways it can be acknowledged and addressed. Professor Robert Beckford will speak and show his Channel 4 programme, “The Empire Pays Back”, making a case for reparation in the form of resourcing life-chances for young people of slave descent. BBC Radio Manchester’s Mike Shaft will chair a panel discussion and Question Time in response.
Tickets £6 / £4.50 available now from Eventbrite. (
Welcome to the SMILE African, Caribbean , Asian Down Syndrome (ACADS) Launch event! Join us on Sat 18th January at 11.30 AM at the Windrush Millennium Centre….